
Activism Day

On 10.06.2021, we invited activist groups around Munich to introduce themselves to students of the Sustainability Around the World lecture series. Here are all relevant links to get started with practical, environmental activism around Munich in case you missed it: Ende Gelände Klima-Camp München Students For Future rehab republic Exctinction Rebellion Just listening to lectures […]


RiVo #MüllFreiTag

On 07.05.2021, we organised another #MüllFreiTag. This time, in cooperation with the Sustainability Around the World lecture series (“Ringvorlesung Umwelt”, RiVo) at TU Munich. More than 30 participants cleaned Munich’s streets and nature and reflected on society’s behaviour with respect to garbage disposal. Make sure to also check out the Instagram post by the RiVo […]



On Friday, we swept outside our own front door. Everyone individuallz collected waste in their neighbourhood, but no one was left alone, because at the same time we met online using our mobile phones: entertainment and environmental action at the same time. #MüllFreiTag (WasteFreeDay) is the name of rehab republic‘s concept. A great idea that […]


19 February: Critical Whiteness

On Friday, February 19th, we took part in the commemoration of anniversary of the shootings in Hanau. We want to stand in solidarity with the victim’s relatives and friends and demand memory, justice, complete clarification, and consequences together with them. In remembrance of Ferhat Unvar, Hamza Kurtović, Said Nesar Hashemi, Vili Viorel Păun, Mercedes Kierpacz, […]


Cooperation With Ringvorlesung Umwelt

We are happy to announce that we will organise bi-weekly discussion and action groups for the lecture series “Ringvorlesung Umwelt” in cooperation with the “Referat für Umwelt” at the TU Munich. The lecture series hosts a wide range of experts talking about the environment, health, and sustainability. In our discussion and action groups, students get […]


Review Rebellion Wave

Last week, Extinction Rebellion protested in Berlin using actions of peaceful civil disobedience. The actions were directed at the government, which has failed to protect people from the climate catastrophe and instead is deliberately destroying our future. In the name of climate justice and a conscientious climate policy, we blocked roads, chained and glued ourselves […]


Rebellion Wave Berlin

On the fifth of October, Extinction Rebellion starts its Rebellion Wave in Berlin. For one week, whoever works against the goals of climate justice shall be blocked. With a safe hygiene concept, hundreds of climate activists – including some of our group – will make it clear that no one can turn a blind eye […]


Day of Action #Platznehmen

Today in Obergiesing, Green City showed how much more active, happy, and social a neighbourhood can become by just replacing a few parking spots by some toys and space to talk and relax. We also took part and say: thank you! Start now and to also make your neighbourhood more active and social! Have a […]


Week of Actions

What an eventful week! We joined Fridays for Future for the global climate strike in Munich and Hamburg as well as Ende Gelände for their (bi-)annual days of action. The demonstration in Munich sadly had to be cancelled at short notice due to an increasing number of COVID-19 cases. Safety first. Instead, the team at […]


Parking Day

On 18.09.2020 we co-organised the Parking Day next to TU Munich where we showed how our city can be made more liveable by just reclaiming a few parking spots and handing them back to the people. It was a day filled with creative acts, cake, yoga, music, reading, and discussions. Here are some impressions: Our […]