
Events at the iTüpferl

Finally! After more than a year of brainstorming, networking and meetings, we have managed to open up the iTüpferl at TUM Garching – at least partially – to students, university groups and employees. We want to transform the iTüpferl into an open space through participatory activities and design. The iTüpferl is to become the weTüpferl. […]


Again Climate-Café in Garching!

Nächsten Donnnerstag ist es endlich wieder soweit, das erste Klima-Café in Garching seit Pandemiebeginn. Wir treffen uns ab 15:30 Uhr in der Magistrale des MI-Gebäudes und können uns in entspannter Atmosphäre bei Kaffee und Kuchen über Themen rund ums Klima austauschen. Wir freuen uns auf euch! Ein paar Impressionen von unseren ersten Klima-Cafés in Garching […]


Strike against Repression

Recently, 13 climate activists were put in “preventive detention” under the BayPAG for 30 days without trial after a street blockade in Munich. The climate activists are now to spend 30 days in Stadelheim prison for an action that is not threatened with a prison sentence by the courts. So, while those who are committed […]


Visiting Shaere – A Lively Campus

On 25.01.2022, together with students of the TU Munich, we visited Shaere in Neuperlach. Shaere is a new campus of action, collaboration, and sustainability: they offer rooms for film screenings, dancing and theatre, photography, education and exchange, a large community canteen, a huge living room, etc. The clue: almost everything, from food to wall paint, […]


Dear Future Children

On 26.11.2021, we attended the film screening of “Dear Future Children“, an inspiring film about 3 activists from Hong Kong, Uganda and Chile, organised as part of the Public Climate School. An absolute film recommendation from us! After the screening, a live discussion was hosted with the very young director Franz Böhm and another activist […]


COP26: People Make Transport

On 10.11.2021, we organised a livestream event for COP26 as part of the Sustainability Around The World lecture series. We watched the livestream on “People make transport: communities enabling greener travel“, talking about the urgently needed mobility transition and its socially responsible implementation. Afterwards, we discussed in small groups in English and German about some […]


Cooperation Sustainability Around The World 2021

We are happy to announce that we are once again organising events and activities in cooperation with the Sustainability Around The World lecture series. Among other things, we will organise – as we already did in the winter semester 2020 and summer semester 2021 – a decentralised trash picking day. In addition, we have already […]


Debate Night

On 01.07.2021, we organised an introductory debating event together with the Munich Debating Club for interested students of the Sustainability Around the World lecture series at TU Munich. Following the introduction, two debates were held in which the role of environmental movements was discussed. During the debate, the participants had the chance to apply their […]


Human Rights are #non-negotiable

We joined the action day of Seebrücke and other organisations at Munich’s Rindermarkt on 20.6.2021 and want to share our impressions with you. Various speeches about the human rights violations at the EU’s external borders were held and the campaign “Human rights are #nonnegotiable!” was presented: it calls those German politicians to account who oppose […]


Stop G7 / No to NATO Demonstration

Members of the Klima Café joined the demonstration at Odeonsplatz on 12 June against the G7 and NATO summit. We protested against the policies of the G7 as they fuel the climate and ecological crisis. Their politics is based on the global exploitation of people and nature and puts profit and power interests first. NATO […]