We joined the action day of Seebrücke and other organisations at Munich’s Rindermarkt on 20.6.2021 and want to share our impressions with you.

Various speeches about the human rights violations at the EU’s external borders were held and the campaign “Human rights are #nonnegotiable!” was presented: it calls those German politicians to account who oppose human rights and share the responsibility for an increasingly brutal European policy of sealing off people.
You can find more information about the campaign and possibilities to donate here https://unverhandelbar.jetzt/

Non-profit sea rescue organisations like Sea-Eye e.V. do important work in the Mediterranean. With their rescue missions in the central Mediterranean, they have already saved more than 15,000 lives.
You can help them here: https://sea-eye.org/spenden/?seenotrettung-mittelmeer/spende