Last week, Extinction Rebellion protested in Berlin using actions of peaceful civil disobedience. The actions were directed at the government, which has failed to protect people from the climate catastrophe and instead is deliberately destroying our future.
In the name of climate justice and a conscientious climate policy, we blocked roads, chained and glued ourselves up, were loud, and demonstrated. It is clear that we cannot remain silent in view of the future that awaits us. We are on the brink of a climate catastrophe, unstoppable, unpredictable, and life-threatening. All this can be prevented by politicians taking appropriate actions.
Deliberately, we blocked the headquarters of ministries and lobby associations and buildings in the government district. For example, we were chained to entrances to the Ministry of Transportation to protest against the current transportation policy and the clearing of the Dannenröder Forest to build a new highway. We occupied the Haus der Wirtschaft – also known as the climate pollution lobby – because the lobbying of associations, such as the Braunkohleverband, is currently leading to the irrevocable destruction of our livelihoods. In front of the headquarters of CDU and SPD, we again demanded our right to reasonable political decisions. In front of the building of DEGES, who are responsible for the new construction of the A49 and thus the clearing of forests, we showed the naked truth of the disastrous extent of the political decisions made and demanded: Stop the destruction of intact forests!
We have done all this because we see no alternative. Politicians must finally acknowledge the extent of the climate crisis and act accordingly. They must stop the destruction of our livelihoods and take appropriate actions. To this end, we demand the convening of a citizens’ assembly!
We act out of fear for our future, but also out of hope that politicians will wake up. And as long as there is still a small spark of hope, we will continue! More impressions and pictures of the Rebellion Wave can be found on the website of Extinction Rebellion.

A review by Katharina from the Klima Café.